More About Kristy


I was introduced to photography as a teen when I inherited a hand-me-down camera just before a family trip to Switzerland. That trip changed my life. My dream job was to become a National Geographic photographer. (Think “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, that movie is my photography inspiration board.) However, in the words of my husband, I have a "very low risk tolerance”. And travelling to war-torn countries, being gone for months on end, and running towards emergencies was not exactly conducive to this low tolerance of risk. So I followed the college route and got a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from BYU. I loved that major, and the knowledge I gained from it has impacted me and how I see the world on a fundamental basis. However, when it came down to the career options available, I realized that I STILL would rather do photography. I get so much satisfaction and happiness from photography. I love photographing people, and photographing newborns makes my heart sing. It is really important to me that people have beautiful photos of their loved ones so they always have something to have and cherish.

Hi, I’m Kristy! I’m a wife, mom, photographer, cooking hobbyist, and burgeoning gardener. I am located in Spanish Fork, Utah. 

I knew my husband, Chris, about 10 years before we got married. We met in junior high (we both played clarinet), and became friends in high school. We decided during our senior year that we were definitely NOT going to date. Anyways, 6 months later we started dating in college. After a mission and some break ups, Chris and I (finally!) got married in 2015. We love camping, Netflix, and going on walks. Chris is super tall, super patient, and he just completed a PhD in Computational Science, or as I like to say, “mathy mathy programming stuff”. 

You can follow me on Instagram at

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